Adhyyan Narang

I am a fourth year PhD Student in the ECE Department of University of Washington, advised by Prof. Maryam Fazel and Prof. Lillian Ratliff. During my PhD, I have also had the good fortune to collaborate closely with Prof.Jeff Bilmes and Prof.Kevin Jamieson.

My work is aimed towards the development of Holistic Artificial Intelligence: AIs that can integrate smoothly and harmoniously into the natural and economic systems that they are a part of, and provide sustained value over the long-term. The traditional framing of value-alignment between AIs and humans is necessary to achieve this goal. However, Holistic AI also concerns itself with factors such as robustness, flexibility/adaptability, resource efficiency and smooth co-operation between multiple (artificial/human) agents.

Towards this lofty goal, my PhD work extends tools from traditional game theory and statistics to formalize what Holistic AI may look like for specific modern ML systems; see the ‘Publications’ tab for further details. I was also fortunate to intern at Amazon in the summers of 2022 and 2023 to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Prior to joining UW, I completed my Masters in 2020 in the BLISS Lab in the EECS department at UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Prof. Anant Sahai. My master’s thesis explored the role of margins for overparameterized classification problems and can be found here. I completed my undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley with a major in EECS and minor in Theater and Performance Studies.